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Faversham Town Council has approved a ‘Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan’ or ‘LCWIP’ aimed at enabling more people to walk or cycle shorter journeys in Faversham.  

The Faversham LCWIP (October 2022) Report summarises the findings from Faversham’s Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) study. LCWIPs identify and prioritise investment in new infrastructure to support greater number of people making journeys on foot or on cycle. LCWIPs should identify infrastructure interventions over a short, medium, and long-term horizon that meet the transport and movement objectives of Faversham.

The development of the LCWIP was led by Faversham Town Council with the support of Swale Borough Council and Kent County Council as well as local stakeholders. These organisations were all represented on the LCWIP Working Group which co-ordinated the development of the LCWIP. The LCWIP was also developed in co-ordination with the Faversham Neighbourhood Plan and 20mph Design Intervention projects which were being developed at the time of the LCWIP.

The Eastern Area Committee of Swale Borough Council has also commissioned a ‘Parishes to Town’ study to identify opportunities for residents from the surrounding communities to cycle or walk to Faversham.  Findings from this project will be incorporated in the next version of the LCWIP.

Active Travel Committee Dates

25 February 2022
Last Updated
17 July 2023