What is a neighbourhood plan?
A neighbourhood plan (NHP) is a way in which we, as a community, can influence the future development of the town in which we live and work. A plan will enable us to develop a shared vision for future development by choosing where new homes, shops, offices, industrial sites and other development should be built. It allows us to identify and protect important local green spaces and even influence what new buildings should look like.
Importantly our neighbourhood plan won’t just be about housing. It will enable us to understand and better communicate our critical need for improved health services, schools, transport, sport and leisure facilities. Once approved the Neighbourhood Plan becomes a statutory (Legal) document and must be considered when Swale Borough Council decide whether or not to approve planning applications. In other words it can empower us as a community to shape future development.
What is the role of the wider community in neighbourhood planning
The NHP will provide the opportunity for our community to set out a positive vision for how we want their community to develop over the 20 years. The needs and desires of the wider community are therefore critical to building plan. Faversham Town Council, as the qualifying body is committed to being inclusive and open in the preparation of its neighbourhood plan
Stages of developing a neighbourhood plan
The table below is a simplified view of the stages required in consulting on, creating and agreeing a Neighbourhood Plan.
Stage 1: Getting Focus
- Designation of Area
- Building an evidence base
- Publicity and engagement
Stage 2: Preparing The Plan
- Drafting the plan
- Meeting the basic conditions
- Screening of the neighbourhood plan
- Habitat risk assessment
- Strategic environmental assessment
- Pre-submission consultation
Stage 3: Bring The Plan Into Force
- Submission
- Publicity
- Independent Examination
- Referendum