On Thursday 21st November Faversham voted to support the Neighbourhood plan. 94% of those that voted, voted yes to secure a huge victory for the town. Over the past 5 years, the Community volunteers and experts, town council staff and Councillors have worked together to coproduce the plan which protects the things which people have said are important to them whilst sustainably planning for the future of the Town.
Cllr Hannah Perkin, current chair of the steering group said “.The Neighbourhood plan being supported by the residents is a great example of how when a community comes together it can create something really special. A huge thank you to the people of Faversham for their support at the referendum and throughout the process.
Harold Goodwin from the Faversham community Land Trust said “The Faversham Plan was a real community effort. It was Faversham Future Forum that persuaded the Town Council to develop a local plan to protect Faversham from predatory planning applications. Many members of the Faversham community contributed to developing the plan, and we were able to include many of the ideas for strengthening the plan put forward by members of the public during the consultations. We are delighted that the plan has passed the referendum and that all the new development will be on brownfield land.”
John Irwin, former chair of the steering group that put the plan together said, “Faversham is a unique and special place. We have an active and engaged community who have asked for and secured a say in determining the future development of our Town. The Plan Steering Group would like to express their thanks to the numerous community volunteers and the staff who have worked tirelessly over that last 5 years. Collectively, they have carefully listened to residents and developed a Plan that belongs to the Town and all its residents
SBC will update the details on their website: Faversham – Referendum (swale.gov.uk)