Dear colleagues,
Sent on behalf of Carolann James,. Interim Director of Operational Integrated Children’s Services
We are now 4 weeks into the 8 week Kent Family Hub Services consultation and would like to remind everyone to have their say by completing the consultation questionnaire. Please cascade this message across your organisation and beyond so we can be sure that as many families, young people and organisations are able to contribute. Many thanks.

Consultation on new Family Hub Services in Kent – reminder to have your say!
We are seeking residents’ views on the design of new Family Hub Services in the county in an 8-week consultation closing on 13 September 2023.
Kent was identified as a Transformation Authority and selected by the government as a Trailblazer for the national Family Hubs and Start for Life Programme in October 2022. The programme will support the council to transform Children’s Centre services, Youth Services, Health Visiting, and work alongside Community-based midwifery care, bringing them together and making them easier to access.
Family Hub Services will offer support to children and families from conception through to age 19, or up to 25 for children with special education needs or disabilities.
This consultation also includes a proposal to stop funding the youth clubs and activities currently commissioned by KCC but run by non-KCC organisations. This is due to the financial pressures the council is facing. This means that some activities and clubs would stop unless the organisations are able to find alternative funding. We are keen to hear from service users how the proposed changes might affect them.
For full information and to tell us what you think about our proposals visit
Kind regards
Colin Green | Area Partnership Manager North – Dartford, Gravesham and Swale | Children, Young People and Education – Early Help and Preventative Services | Kent County Council | Tel: 03000 417080 Mobile 07944621421 Making Kent a county that works for all children
Partnership Bulletin for North Partnership Bulletin – August 2023
Support and Services Partnership Directory – children and families
Wellbeing support for young people Keeping well this summer
For more information about the LCPG please visit Local Children’s Partnership Groups