I would like to bring to your attention Kent County Council’s consultation on its new draft Emerging Local Transport Plan. The Local Transport Plan is the Council’s statutory plan and this consultation concerns development of the fifth iteration of the plan for Kent. More information on this consultation, and how to respond on the draft plan and the supporting information including the Health Impact Assessment and Equalities Impact Assessment is available at www.kent.gov.uk/ltp5
The Council had success securing delivery of over £400m of investment in the major transport scheme priorities that were set out in the current adopted plan called ‘Growth without Gridlock’. The Council is seeking views on the overall ambition, associated policy proposals and objectives for the new draft Emerging Local Transport Plan.
There will then be a later second consultation on a full draft plan once priority scheme proposals for Kent have been determined across each District. The purpose of doing a two stage consultation is so that views from stakeholders at this stage can then inform the remaining development of the plan, before a full draft is consulted on.
If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us on this email address
Kent County Council Local Transport Plan project team