Recreation and Sport

Community Facilities

The map indicates community facilities that offer space for community groups and and recreational pursuits.

Do you think there is sufficient provision of community spaces for the current population of Faversham?

If not, what is missing eg an outdoor performance area, youth spaces, art and design space?

If new community spaces could be developed, where should they be located?

Sports Facilities

The map indicates sports facilities that offer space for community sports groups. 

Do you think there is sufficient Sports facilities for the current population of Faversham?

If not, what is missing? eg a running track/athletics facilities, public tennis courts, skate park etc.

If new sports facilities could be developed, where should they be located?

Play Parks in Faversham

The map indicates play parks in Faversham.  

Do you think there are sufficient play facilities for young children in Faversham?

27 October 2020
Last Updated
27 October 2020