The Kent Money Advice Hub is a free, confidential, independent and impartial money advice service.
The service focuses on supporting Kent residents who are struggling financially with their money concerns, particularly due to the cost of living crisis. It encourages residents facing any money concerns to seek advice and support as early as possible to avoid the situation from getting worse.
The service aims to make high-quality money advice more accessible to Kent residents. It also aims to give people the knowledge and tools they need to find a way forward and be more confident in managing their money.
Citizens Advice in North & West Kent (CANWK) is leading this pilot. Kent County Council is part-funding the service.
People can receive advice and support on a range of money issues, such as:
managing money better, including how to make a budget
money saving tips
how to check and claim for benefits
money concerns affecting your everyday life impacted by big life events such as illness or divorce
dealing with any debts, including council tax and utility arrears
The Kent Money Advice Hub operates as a drop in service at Faversham Town Council offices, 12 Market Place, Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm. Come to the Visitor Information Centre desk and ask for the ‘money advice hub’. You will be shown to a private room, but help is available if required.
Kiosks enable people, who are not digitally confident, to access alternative face-to-face advice in their local area.