Home News News KCC Budget Consultation 2025/26

KCC Budget Consultation 2025/26

Faversham Town Council acknowledges the severe budgetary pressures on local government due to years of cuts and ongoing uncertainty. We commend Kent County Council for outlining these challenges in the proposed budget.

While we value the broad range of services provided by Kent County Council, it is crucial to protect our cherished library and the heavily used Household Waste Recycling Centre. These are vital community assets that support all residents and help us meet our recycling goals. Any reduction in these services would disproportionately impact vulnerable residents.

We urge Kent County Council to avoid passing budget cuts down to lower-tier authorities. Such actions strain local councils and could lead to higher Council Tax, which is a challenge for residents during this cost-of-living crisis.

Residents’ views on what services they want to see prioritised, and whether they would be prepared to pay more council tax to protect them, is the basis of an eight-week budget consultation launched by Kent County Council, which closes on 7th August 2024. To get involved visit KCC’s page here.

If you are unable to take part online, a hard copy of the questionnaire can be requested via their Alternative Formats team. Email: alternativeformats@kent.gov.uk or call 03000 421 553 (text relay service number: 18001 03000 421 553).

26 July 2024
Last Updated
26 July 2024
Published in