Ahoy there Matey’s!!! Its time for a Pirate Festival!! Come aboard The Town Quay and Front Brents for a day of Nautical displays, Entertainment, Food and Drink and more!!! Punch and Judy Shows, live music from “The Ragged Bandits” 70’s & 80s Folk Rock and “Lowering The Tone” and “Upping the Shanty” choir singing Sea Shanty songs! Sam Brothers and The Pilgrims Hospice Band.
Check out the program for the event which will be available in the Visitor Centre Soon!!!

The Ragged Bandits will be returning again after Faversham Festival of Transport to support The Pirate Festival!! Looking forward to some 70s & 80s Folk Rock!!

“Lowering The Tone” will be entertaining you all with a selection of Traditional Folk Sea Shanties, something to get your Pirate boots tapping to!!!!

Denise Pettitt Mrs Back to Front will be putting on some great entertainment for all the family with a traditional “Punch & Judy” show throughout the day!!!

The Raven Drummers are on board for The Pirate Festival!!!
“We are Raven. Drumming is our passion, come see us play and feel the power and energy of the drum”

The Sheppey Pirates will be entertaining us at Faversham’s Pirate Festival Captained by Captain Cutlass look out for more details to follow soon!!