Home News News Domestic Abuse Support Services – Feedback on experiences (victims/survivors and professionals)

Domestic Abuse Support Services – Feedback on experiences (victims/survivors and professionals)

Closing date for all surveys is Monday 30 September 2024.

Kent County Council (KCC) funds the existing domestic abuse support services in partnership with other agencies including the police. Safe accommodation and community support are provided across the county under the umbrella name of KIDAS (Kent Integrated Domestic Abuse Services).

The current contract is due to end in March 2026, and we want to ensure everyone can share their experiences and expertise to help us to shape the new service.

People who have experienced domestic abuse and have used domestic abuse support services

Please share this survey with your service users – Can you help us design domestic abuse services in Kent?   https://forms.office.com/e/E0quNJeQaA

People who have experienced domestic abuse and have not used domestic abuse support services

Please share this survey with any service users who may have been affected by domestic abuse but have not, or are less likely to, access support services for the abuse – Domestic abuse support services – your views  –  https://survey.kent.gov.uk/fpqz17

Professionals who support or interact with people who have experienced abuse

Please complete this survey and share it with colleagues across your networks – Designing Domestic Abuse Services for Kent – Seeking Stakeholder Views   https://forms.office.com/e/asuHzCqWf8

There will also be an opportunity to take part in stakeholder events around the development of the new services. These will be held in October and will be advertised on the Business Portal. If you would like to be added to the mailing list for this, please email   domesticabusecommissioning@kent.gov.uk.

2 September 2024
Last Updated
2 September 2024
Published in