Home Community Groups Health and Wellbeing Abbey Physic Community Garden

Abbey Physic Community Garden

Abbey Physic Community Garden
Abbey Place, Faversham, Kent ME13 7BG
Contact Email
Contact Telephone
01795 539915
The Abbey Physic Community Garden (APCG or ‘the Garden’) offers a healing space, a programme of therapeutic activities, and works with a rich network of partners to support our members, to maintain or improve their physical and mental health and wellbeing, and to reduce social isolation and loneliness.

Garden members either self-refer or are referred by local voluntary or statutory organisations and are typically people facing challenges due to mental or physical health, or social or economic disadvantage and isolation. The Garden has supported mental health and wellbeing for 28 years but was formally established as a charity in 2006.
3 October 2022
Last Updated
5 October 2022