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Mayor Making Ceremony

Faversham Town Council is pleased to announce that Councillor Josh Rowlands was invested as the new Mayor of Faversham at last night’s Mayor Making Ceremony (Monday 13th May). 

The Worshipful, the Mayor, Councillor Josh Rowlands confirmed his priorities were mental health, food poverty and hidden homelessness. In recognition of this, The Mayor’s Charities for the civic year will be Abbey Physic Community Garden and Keep Talking Services.

The Worshipful, the Mayor, Councillor Josh Rowlands said “To become the Mayor of Faversham is a huge honour, but to be the youngest Mayor of Faversham Town Council’s history is unbelievable. I look forward to working with the community and town of Faversham to make this amazing place we all live even better for all residents.” 

The new Deputy Mayor was confirmed as Councillor Claire Martin and the Deputy Mayoress her youngest daughter, Ruby.   

Deputy Mayor, Cllr Claire Martin said  “Faversham is a wonderful place to live, I have lived here all my life. It is a great honour and privilege to be the new Deputy Mayor and I am very much looking forward to the coming civic year.” 

14 May 2024
Last Updated
15 May 2024
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