Join our campaign against the closure of Faversham’s HWRC and sign our petition
Thursday 21st September DEMONSTRATION at County Hall
Town Councllors were out in force this morning at County Hall, Maidstone, demonstrating against the proposed closure of Faversham’s tip. Cllr Eddie Thomas said “Pressure is building on KCC to not close Faversham’s household waste recycling centre. KCC councillors entering County Hall this morning were clearly facing a tough dilemma on whether to support the proposal to close Faversham TIP”

DATE TO BE CONFIRMED, PUBLIC MEETING The Assembly Rooms, Preston Street, Faversham
Everyone welcome – please join us in our fight against the proposed closure of Faversham’s tip
Friday 4th August 2023 – UPDATE on the proposed closure of Faversham’s HWRC from Cllr Eddie Thomas, Chair of the Faversham HWRC Working Group
Local media has reported a Conservative leadership challenge a Kent County Council.
We’ve also learned that the Consultation into the proposal to close Faversham Tip/ HWRC is being delayed yet again.
This demonstrates that Faversham’s campaign, Freedom of Information Requests etc, is forcing the Conservative administration at KCC to ensure that when the consultation is published it has all the relevant information.
In the mean time we have postponed the public meeting until a time when the consultation has been published.
We still need you to sign our petition AND for you to join our next demonstration on 21st September at County Hall to show Faversham’s determined opposition to the closure of our Tip/HWRC.
There is still much to do to prevent this short sighted budget cut by KCC.
Thursday 13th July 2023 – Public Demonstration outside County Hall!

Wednesday 21st June 2023 – Update on the Town Council campaign against the closure of Faversham Tip/HWRC.
We have started a petition and hope to be able to arrange a demonstration outside County Hall in Maidstone.
We are working with Canterbury City Council and Swale Borough Council in joint opposition to these closures, and are investigating what the legal options are for fighting these terrible proposals.
Our next priority is to promote and encourage as many people as possible to respond to the Kent County Council consultation on their proposals for closure.
Monday 29th May 2023 – The Town Council begins its campaign against the closure
The Town Council has set up a Working Group to campaign against the closure of the Faversham Household Waste Recycling Centre in Salters Lane. We will keep you up to date on the latest news and Kent County Council’s consultation here.