Faversham Town Council Event
To allow the Festival of Transport Event 2025 to be held, Kent County Council has made an Order to temporarily prohibit through traffic on various roads in Faversham.
Closures are planned from 17th May 2025, with estimated completion by 18th May 2025. The scheduled dates may vary for this event with appropriate signage displayed on site and the event will be displayed on One.Network
Closures are to take place from 07:00 hours through to 17:00 hours on both days. The roads will be re-opened as soon as it is safe to do so.
The following roads will be closed to the extents indicated; Court Street will be closed between the junctions with Crescent Road and
Market Place.
East Street will be closed between the junctions with Newton Road and Preston Street.
Market Place will be closed in its entirety.
Market Street will be closed in its entirety.
Middle Row will be closed in its entirety.
Preston Street will be closed between the junctions with East Street and Station Road/Forbes Road.
Stone Street will be closed between the junctions with Preston Street and Union Street.
West Street will be closed between the junctions with Market Place and North Lane.
Leslie Smith Drive will be closed in its entirety.
Bank Street will be closed in its entirety.
Church Road will be closed from the steps into Tesco car park to the church entrance.
Church Street will be closed from Vicarage Street to the church entrance.
The closures are required for the safety of the public and event personnel while the Festival of Transport Event is held by Faversham Town Council.
For information regarding these closures, please contact Faversham Town Council on 01795 503286, who will be able to assist with the scope of this event.
Simon Jones, Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport.
Kent County Council, County Hall, Maidstone, ME14 1X