A friendly group of people walking together with the intention of meeting new and old friends as well as building community.
The walk is designed to be enjoyable for all those that attend and we extend our invitation to anyone who wishes to join us.
Although we will attempt to choose easy-ish walking areas with no mountains or over steep climbs sometimes this may be unavoidable. The terrain will be mixed between field tracks, marshland and woodland areas as well as some roads (some may not have designated footpaths). All walks will be along designated rights of way.
Unless stated on the event all routes will be a loop, starting and finishing at the same location. Where this is not possible a train or bus will be suggested for the journey home.
I will post the price of the trip home (subject to change by the relevant provider) and suggest we catch this as a group (but obviously you are welcome to make your own arrangements if you prefer).
The details of the walk we are about to undertake will be posted on the FACEBOOK event to enable you to consider if this walk is for you.
Facebook – @favershamwalking