Maintaining access to footpaths and walkways in the town and local countryside, which have been used regularly by the public for many years, is a key priority for the Town Council.
Legislation allows local communities to get existing footpaths and walkways, which are not registered as public rights of way currently, added to Kent County Council’s Definitive Map of Rights of Way through DMMO’s, ensuring they are protected for public use in the future.
The Town Council is working with Faversham Footpath Group to submit three DMMO’s for Morrison’s Footpath, Abbey Fields and the Tram Road. Read the article in the Autumn Newsletter
The application process for getting a Definitive Map Modification Order agreed by the County Council requires members of the public to complete a Public Right of Way User Statement confirming that they have used this walking route for over twenty years.
Please find KCC Guidance Notes on making an application for a DMMO here and the Public Right of Way User Statement here
If you have any queries please email Adrienne Begent, the Deputy Town Clerk at