Home St Ann's Ward Cllr Robert Newman

Cllr Robert Newman


I am a keen supporter of the various voluntary groups and charities that do so much to keep Faversham going. Over the last year I have been working with the Ukrainian community, and I can be seen regularly in the Umbrella, the Physic Garden, West Faversham Community Centre and around the town. I am on the Council’s Environment Committee; the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group; Faversham Creek Working Group; and the Heritage and Buildings Working Group.  

I am retired and disabled. Two years ago I had a stroke while standing outside Faversham Cottage Hospital. The swift response of staff was crucial to my recovery. The existence of a local NHS facility saves lives. I support the staff in their quest for fair pay and have stood on the picket line with them. Clapping doesn’t help them pay the bills.     

I have had a variety of jobs from cleaning toilets for Croydon Council to working as a policy advisor in ministerial offices. I have worked with Tory and Labour Ministers, and I am prepared to work with anyone who is serious about making Faversham a great place to live.     

I’m passionate about Faversham and the community here. I’ve lived and worked elsewhere and this town stands out as the best. The facilities that Faversham has retained should not be taken for granted. Most small towns don’t still have their swimming pool, theatre and cinema. Most don’t have as many shops or a thriving market. Use it or lose it. We must fight to keep our recycling centre.     

My multitude of hobbies include reading Science Fiction and membership of the Faversham Pirates. My cat, Oak, has more Facebook followers than I have. I am a vegetarian, a retired member of the PCS Union, a supporter of various environmental and animal campaigns although my memberships have mainly lapsed. I am, of course, a member of The Labour Party.   

7 May 2023
Last Updated
24 June 2024