Home Watling Ward Cllr Trevor Martin

Cllr Trevor Martin

07413 966393
Liberal Democrat

First elected to Faversham Town Council in 2019. Living in Faversham since he was 6 weeks old, Trevor Martin attended Faversham District Schools and Queen Elizabeth’s School. A keen Scout in his youth he gained The Queens’s Scout Award and travelled to America to Connecticut and served as a field sports instructor for South Calumet Scout Council in Chicago at a summer camp.  Trevor married Brenda in 1986 they have 5 children all of whom still live in Kent.  He was made an Honorary Life Member of Faversham Cricket Club after serving as administrator and secretary. He received the Kent County award for Cricketforce in 2013. He has been a School Governor since 1993 in town latterly as Chair of Governors at the Abbey School. He serves as trustee of Faversham Municipal Charities and Chair of Trustees for Faversham District Scouts.  Trevor served as Chair of the Heritage and Buildings working group. As Deputy Mayor in 2021 and for last year as Mayor he chairs the Town Council Staffing Committee.  

Trevor now works as a Civil Servant for DWP. 

Trevor was appointed Baron of the Cinque Port of Faversham and attended the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III representing the Town In a tradition that goes back to 1189.  

Deputy Mayor 

19 October 2020
Last Updated
20 May 2024